Eurabië is een provocatief en verontrustend boek. Bat Ye'or beschrijft de transformatie van Europa in 'Eurabië', een cultureel en politiek aanhangsel van de Arabische wereld. Eurabië is antiwesters, anti-Amerikaans en antisemitisch.
De nauwe banden tussen Europa en de moslimlanden blijken uit de Euro-Arabische Dialoog (ead), een door Europese en Arabische overheden ontwikkelde organisatie, die er alles aan doet om bijvoorbeeld op scholen en universiteiten een benauwende politieke correctheid door te voeren. Volgens Ye'or zijn de hoge immigratieaantallen en de slechte integratie van moslims in Europa niet het gevolg van een naïeve politiek, maar van een bewuste keuze. Ze laat zien dat er al jaren sprake is van een uitgebreid patroon van politieke, economische en wetenschappelijke samenwerking tussen het linkse Europese establishment en de Arabische overheden. Het gevolg van die samenwerking is dat Europa de eigen identiteit in de uitverkoop heeft gedaan.
'Eurabië' is inmiddels een begrip geworden in het debat over Europa en de islam. Het boek van Ye'or is zowel baanbrekend en angstwekkend overtuigend genoemd als paranoïde en emotioneel. Maar de documenten en feiten die ze aandraagt zijn niet eenvoudig ter zijde te schuiven. Eurabië is nu al een historisch boek dat je moet lezen om zelf tot een oordeel te komen.
Enkele reacties uit de pers:
Arabist Hans Jansen over Eurabia: ‘Het hele verhaal is van a tot z gedocumenteerd!‘
‘In haar meest recente boek "Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis" documenteert Bat Ye’or op grondige wijze, met o.a. officiële EU stukken, hoe de Europese Unie al heel lang bezig is Europa te laten samen gaan met de islamitische wereld.’ De leestafel.
‘Bat Ye'or is one of the only analysts in the world with the courage and insight necessary to state clearly what is happening in Europe today. Her account of the betrayal by the European powers of their own identity and history will stand for future historians as a cautionary tale of cultural suicide.’ -- Robert Spencer, author, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)
‘Bat Ye’or has traced a nearly secret of Europe over the past thirty years, convincingly showing how the Euro-Arab Dialogue has blossomed from a minor discussion group into the engine for the continents Islamization. In delineating this phenomenon, she also provides the intellectual resources with which to resist it. Will her message be listened to?’ Daniel Pipes.
‘This is a provocative and disturbing book. With all the drama of a master writer, Bat Ye’or presents a wide range of historical and contemporary documents and facts to tell the story of how the European Union is being subverted by Islamic hostility to the very ethics and values of Europe itself. Readers who seek a fair resolution of the Arab-Israel conflict will be shocked by the evidence produced in these pages of unfair pressures and deliberate distortions. Europe’s independence of spirit is shown in the process of being undermined. This book challenges the current demonization of Israel and should be essential reading (and re-reading) for everyone interested in true peace in the Middle East. It is also a warning to Europe not to allow the anti-American and anti-Israel pressures of Islam to subvert Europe’s true values: vibrant democracy, humanitarian free thinking, and social fair dealing.’ Sir Martin Gilbert.
‘No writer has done more than Bat Ye’or to draw attention to the menacing character of Islamic extremism. Future historians will one day regard her coinage of the term ‘Eurabia’ as prophetic. Those who wish to live in a free society must be eternally vigilant. Bat Ye’or’s vigilance is unrivalled.’ Niall Ferguson.
‘Ordinary people who are still in the dark about the way the Euro-Arab Dialogue is refashioning their livers may one day rebel – in which case BatYe’or and this book will seem prophetic. Or, they may sink helplessly into dhimmitude, in which case Bat Ye’or will be ignored and her book unobtainable. Either way, she is a Cassandra, a brave and far-sighted spirit.’ David Price Jones. National Review, May 9, 2005.
‘Like other writings of the author, this original book is a strongly pointed, controversial work, both scholarly and polemical, which many will find useful and relevant to discussion of the relationship between Europe and the Middle East.’ Michael Curtis. Choice, October 2005.
‘No book explains the European Muslim situation more ably than ‘Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis.’ It’s hard to overstate this book’s importance… Eurabia is eye-opening and required reading for anyone seriously interested in understanding Europ’s current predicament and its probable fate.’ Bruce Bawer. Hudson Review, Winter 2006.
Lees ook: De kracht van de rede van Oriana Fallaci.
This provocative and disturbing book is about the transformation of Europe into Eurabia, a cultural and political appendage of the Arab/Muslim world. Eurabia is fundamentally anti-Christian, anti-Western, anti-American, and antisemitic, while striving for Israel's disappearance and the vilification and isolation of America. The institution responsible for this transformation, and that continues to propagate its ideological message, is the Euro-Arab Dialogue, developed by European and Arab politicians and intellectuals over the past thirty years. With all the drama of a master writer, Bat Ye'or presents a wide range of historical and contemporary documents and facts to tell the story of how the European Union is being subverted by Islamic hostility to the very ethics and values of Europe itself. Readers who seek a fair resolution of the Arab-Israel conflict will be shocked by the evidence produced in these pages of unfair pressures and deliberate distortions. Europe's independence of spirit is shown in the process of being undermined. This book challenges the current demonization of Israel and should be essential reading for everyone interested in true peace in the Middle East.
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