Some Mistakes of Moses
Robert G. Ingersoll
Some Mistakes of Moses.
There was a time when a falsehood, fulminated from the pulpit, smote like a sword; but, the supply having greatly exceeded the demand, clerical misrepresentation has at last become almost an innocent amusement. Remembering that only a few years ago men, women, and even children, were imprisoned, tortured and burned, for having expressed in an exceedingly mild and gentle way, the ideas entertained by me, I congratulate myself that calumny is now the pulpit's last resort. The old instruments of torture are kept only to gratify curiosity; the chains are rusting away, and the demolition of time has allowed even the dungeons of the Inquisition to be visited by light.
The church, impotent and malicious, regrets, not the abuse, but the loss of her power, and seeks to hold by falsehood what she gained by cruelty and force, by fire and fear. Christianity cannot live in peace with any other form of faith. If that religion be true, there is but one savior, one inspired book, and but one little narrow grass-grown path that leads to heaven. Such a religion is necessarily uncompromising, unreasoning, aggressive and insolent. Christianity has held all other creeds and forms in infinite contempt, divided the world into enemies and friends, and verified the awful declaration of its founder -- a declaration that wet with blood the sword he came to bring, and made the horizon of a thousand years lurid with the fagots' flames.....Robert Green Ingersoll
Challenging the Bible
Robert G. Ingersoll
Challenging the Bible.
Challenging the Bible contains masterful insights about the Bible from one of the world's greatest freethinkers and orators of all time--Robert G. Ingersoll. Editor and religious expert Dean Tipton has selected some of the best material from thousands and thousands of pages of Ingersoll's writings and recorded speeches that challenge the Bible and its followers. Challenging the Bible explores a wide variety of Bible-related topics and raises important questions that everyone should think about. The result is one penetrating book that best presents the various perspectives and objections against a religious text that has unquestionably been the most dominant influence in human history. Truly a must read for anyone ranging from conservative religious believers to liberal freethinkers, Challenging the Bible combines the insight and passion of Robert G. Ingersoll with the astute selection of Dean Tipton to create a truly special work in the genre of religious literature.
Gods and Other Lectures
Robert G. Ingersoll
Gods and Other Lectures.
Contents: The Gods, an honest God is the noblest work of man; Humboldt, the universe is governed by law; Thomas Paine, with his name left out, the history of liberty cannot be written; Individuality, his soul was like a star and dwelt apart; Heretics and Heresies, liberty, a word without which all other words are vain.
The works of Robert Green Ingersoll deel 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,11,12.
Works of Robert G. Ingersoll
Robert G. Ingersoll
Volume 1 of 12: Lectures. In presenting to the public these editions of the writings of Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll, it was the aim to make it as handsome, durable and complete as possible - worthy in every way of the valiant, generous, much-beloved genius who penned these magical pages. Robert Ingersoll's tremendous message, one of the most important messages of all times, thunders through these volumes. The orator himself has passed away, but the words that awoke America from sleep and stupor ring out as liberty bells for all mankind!
Works of Robert G. Ingersoll
Robert G. Ingersoll
Volume 2 of 12: Lectures.
Works of Robert G. Ingersoll
Robert G. Ingersoll
Volume 3 of 12:Lectures.
Works of Robert G. Ingersoll
Robert G. Ingersoll
Volume 4 of 12: Lectures
Works of Robert G. Ingersoll
Robert G. Ingersoll
Volume 5 of 12: Discussions
Works of Robert G. Ingersoll
Robert G. Ingersoll
Volume 6 of 12: Discussions.
Works of Robert G. Ingersoll
Robert G. Ingersoll
Volume 8 of 12: Interviews.
Works of Robert G. Ingersoll
Robert G. Ingersoll
Volume 9 of 12: Political.
Works of Robert G. Ingersoll
Robert G. Ingersoll
Volume 11 of 12: Miscellany.
Works of Robert G. Ingersoll
Robert G. Ingersoll
Volume 12 of 12: Tributes and Miscellany.
Essay's en toespraken van Robert Ingersoll op deze site (Nederlandse vertaling)
'Voltaire' Redevoering van Kolonel Robert G. Ingersoll. Gehouden voor de Chicago Press Club op 8 Oct. 1892.
'Waarom ik een agnost ben.' (1896)
'Huxley en agnosticisme' (1889)
'De Joden' Een aanklacht tegen het christelijke antisemitisme. Door Robert G. Ingersoll. 1833-1899.